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Red Room
The Red Room caters from children 6 weeks to 2.5 years old.
The children in the Red Room are at crucial ages, where their development is very important, and where they need the most guidance and support in learning new skills. Within this room, the routines are very flexible and cater to the needs of each individual child, as well as family views and cultures being respected by our team, and incorporated into our routines/programs.
In the Red Room, the program is catered to support the children in learning how to talk, walk and begin learning basic social and emotional interaction skills. Through art and craft experiences, learning groups/experiences as well as through
collaborative and dramatic play the children begin to develop their fine motor, hand control skills as well as their cognitive development.
Within this room, experiences are catered/planned to provide the children with the fundamental skills (physical, social, emotional, cognitive and language) they need before heading off to the Green Room. Within this room, the educators provide lots of care, comfort and nurturing to the children to ensure they are happy, healthy and
safe, as well as growing and developing as young individuals.
Green Room
The Green Room caters for children from 2.5 years old to 3.5 years old. Within this room, we see the children begin to develop their independence and start to become young individuals. This is the age where children begin to develop their own personalities and become more curious about the world surrounding them.
The program in the Green Room focuses around supporting the children in developing their emotional skills where they are able to begin self-regulating their own emotions when feeling different emotions. The children at this age also become more independent when feeding themselves and within their play, where they begin to develop their imaginative and creativity skills.
In the Green Room the children begin to learn and develop their self-help skills, including: putting on their shoes and socks, assisting in putting on their bed sheets, feeding themselves and putting their bed sheets away after rest time. Educators in the Green Room offer a lot of support to the children and help to
develop their confidence and social skills when engaging in play with their peers and they begin to develop more meaningful relationships with their peers and educators.
In the Green Room, the children are offered consistent support and guidance in developing their social, emotional, cognitive and self-help skills.
Blue Room
The Blue Room, is our Preschool room that caters for children from the ages of 3.5 to 6 years old (depending on when they are ready to head off to school). Within this room the children are split into two groups, The Preps and the Graduates. This Room focuses their program a lot on the current interests of the children.
The Graduates:
The Graduate program is run for children aged from 4-6 years old, and are heading off to school in the following year. Within the Graduate program, we offer a 37 week School Readiness program that breaks down the skills the children need to be exposed to before heading off to Primary School.
The children in the Graduate program also focus a lot on their cognitive and fine motor development through memory recall games and experiences, literacy and numeracy groups as well as learning how to write their name, all the letters of the alphabet as well as numbers ranging from 1-20. The children are supported and
encouraged to develop their fine motor, finger/wrist manipulation and hand control skills throughout the School Readiness program.
The children in this room, continue to learn and develop their self-help skills and also are supported by educators to continue to develop their emotional skills through learning ways to help with their self-regulation of emotions.
The Preps:
The Preps cater for children aged 3.5-4, who are not attending school the following year. The Preps still follow a 37 week School Readiness program, but more age appropriate experiences are planned for them. Within the Prep program the children continue to develop their social, emotional and cognitive developmental
skills through memory recall games, social interactions and group times.
The Preps begin to learn fundamental skills of writing, through learning how to write their name and some letters of the alphabet. In this group, the children will engage in more play based experiences where they will be exposed to the alphabet and numbers ranging from 1-20. These activities may include, grouping
and sequencing, memory games or making letters and numbers out of play dough.
Within the Preps program, the children are also supported and encouraged to continue developing their self-help skills as well as supported in their language and communication skills through using more adult like sentences and beginning to engage in dramatic play experiences where they can recount stories or events.