- How to Enrol
- General Information
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- How to Enrol
- General Information

- How to Enrol
- General Information
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- How to Enrol
- General Information

Health at APSK
At Annangrove Preschool Kindergarten, we understand that your child's health is of the utmost importance.
We aim to provide a safe, healthy and happy environment for your children. There are a few steps and processes we ask our parents to undertake to ensure the safety of not just their child, but all children throughout the centre.
Immunisation Records
Our centre is required to keep a record of your child's immunisation details and documentation.
Upon enrolment, you will be asked to bring a copy of your child's Immunisation History Statement. This can be easily accessed on the Medicare website.
When children's immunisation's are updated we require an updated Immunisation History Statement.
If your child requires medication(s), you must first sign a Medical Authority Form (This is found on our KinderM8 app). Any medications, including topical treatments, must be given to a staff member upon arrival.
It is the responsibility of the parents to retrieve all medications upon pick-up.
We ask that medicines are supplied in their original dispensed container, with a current use-by date and prescribed instructions.
Prescription medicines will only be administered to the child listed on prescription, and dosages will not exceed those stated on the instructions.
Allergies & Dietary Requirements
We are an Allergy- Aware centre. Foods that contain peanuts, nut extracts or chocolate products, are not allowed at the centre.
It is up to the parents to inform staff of any allergies relating to food or drink. This includes lactose and gluten intolerance.
Action plans for children with asthma, anaphylaxis, or any other chronic illness, must be updated yearly.
If Your Child is Unwell..
If your child is showing symptoms of any infectious diseases or viruses, we ask that you please keep them at home. Examples include heavy colds, diarrhoea and vomiting, head lice, impetigo and measles.
The centre director may send a child home who is displaying symptoms of such illnesses. In some cases, they may also request that any child who is showing signs of being unwell, be taken home.
Once your child is ready to return to the centre, you must provide a medical clearance certificate stating that they are clear of any of the above infections/viruses. More information on these illnesses can be found in our handbook.